Poetry Sydney is an independent literary organisation committed to a presence for poetry in our culture.

Live Poets at Don Bank

Live Poets at Don Bank

Live Poets has featured Australia’s premier poets and unplugged music performers in a myriad of curated events over 28 years at Don Bank. On any given month you will find a lively program of words, music, theatre, art, interviews, quotes, lyrics, monologues, ideas, discussions, stories and conversation – in other languages than English, too! Come and experience it – and lend your voice to the proceedings if you want.

Special Guest appearances in a program of poetry and unplugged music plus events for readers from the floor and the Open Section. The night is bisected by supper outside in the courtyard.  Fourth Wednesday night of every month from February to November inclusive.

Doors open 7.30 pm; finishes 10.30 pm approx.
$10 entry includes supper and drinks.
Don Bank Cottage, 6 Napier St, North Sydney.

Danny Gardner 0422 263 373 or (02) 9896 6956 
Email: dannylivepoets@yahoo.com.au  
Facebook: Live Poets at Don Bank.

Please contact to receive directions for wheelchair access.